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NC programming electromechanical integration&n

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KRN-2004 electromechanical integration NC Programming Laboratory (programming control)
Mechatronics NC Programming Laboratory (programming control) that the integration of mechanical electrical control, the introduction of modern electronic technology on machinery and equipment automatically or semi-automatic control, it will be a machinery industry in new growth points, but also the development of this industry trend. Around this new direction, various electrical and mechanical institutions have opened electromechanical integration of professional courses to train the 21st century mechanical talents.
The lab is in keeping with the teaching of mechanical and electrical integration simulated production / teaching-laboratory equipment, numerical control machine tools for programming and operation designed so that students do not have to use a CNC machine tools can be CNC machine tool programming and operation. A laboratory may have a number of Taiwan CNC lathe, and a class of students may have 20-50 who can not every student has to operate one machine to practice at the same time, the participants in a familiar machine, in order to avoid the wrong operation, should also be pre-selection exercise. The lab used WA-9801 NC cars / milling by the programmer is designed for this purpose, so as to meet the costs of experimental low demand.
Mechatronics lab should meet a class of trainees at the same time experiment, the number of trainees under its basic configuration has slightly different.
Generally, CNC Milling Machine CNC lathe compared with the characteristics of each. From a functional perspective, the function of milling machine lathe complex than can be achieved in a variety of CNC Machining principle experiment. The CNC lathe is large and broad application of machine tools, higher than its social tenure of milling machine, NC Teaching is an important part of training.
According to the participants in our laboratory knowledge, step by step

(1), the participants in the programmer on NC programming practice, master NC programming method for the preparation of a typical parts processing procedures, graphics simulation, identify errors, until perfect.
(2), the programmer on the CNC machine tool operation, use, programming, master the various CNC system, such as: machine operator programming, system parameters, the machine tool knife, workpiece processing required for the basic skills.
(3), the trainees on the CNC machine tools in batches in a state familiar with the air in the actual operation of machine tools, the use of the NC system, so that they have the perceptual knowledge.
(4), the selection of a group of more typical students, under the guidance of teachers, in CNC machine tools on the workpiece machining practice to a qualified workpiece machining prevail.
The participants stressed that the laboratory equipment manipulative ability, as far as possible close to reality, to create an atmosphere that is the first choice of major institutions in the simulated production / teaching of laboratory equipment.
NC car / 2 by programmer milling the main characteristics:
(1), cars, two milling machine tool programming internship in a device, using 16 processors and large-scale integrated circuits, light touch keyboard, 14 "CRT high reliability, good performance.
(2), retained the 6135 CNC lathe and milling machine and XKJ125-all of the features and operation of the interface.
(3), man-machine dialogue way to screen editing, programming format in line with GB.
(4), image processing simulation parts, tool path running show.
(5), manual control spindle Commitment, tool carrier feed, automatic tool change, feed rate and the main axis of CVT.
(6), ordered retrieval and programming errors self-inspection.
(7), real-time control parts processing, and processing procedures followed when the state machine tool show.  
Recommended laboratory standard configuration (under the requirements of school students configuration tables)
The general configuration sets CNC Milling Machine CNC lathe and NC programmer tables
Note: (1) experimental tables for a two (or three), the car / milling II simulator with a set of programming, the programming screen, keyboard, car / Milling "Programming and operation" of a handbook, bench 2.
English Tel: +86.21-56301098     Fax: +86.21-66613899
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Website: www.shkr.com          Email: kerong@shkr.com

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