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PLC programmable microcontroller programming&n

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KRJ - KBD PLC programmable microcontroller programming EPROM integrated development laboratory equipment (triple)
I. Overview
The device sets programmable logic controller, PLC LAN, integrated MCU. Unit linked boxes, portfolio design, rational structure, complete functions, saving experimental venues. In addition to supporting PLC programming software and dedicated experimental procedure, also has MCGS Control Software and experimental procedures. The device can be directly carried out on the basic instructions PLC practice, a number of practical applications PLC and physical simulation experiments are all experimental configuration bar graph experimental procedures dynamic tracking. SCM software and hardware fully equipped, technologically advanced, operational interface (Windows) friendly.

Major configuration and function
1, distribution detailed information and guidance on the experiment;
2, the random distribution of multi-lingual support full-screen compilation, simulation software, with friendly
Computer interface, which can carry out pure software simulation;
3, SCM expatriate simulation RAM 64KB;
4, SCM microprocessors used 8031/80 C196 (convertible);
5, MCU clock frequency of 6-12 MHz;
6, a 8255,8279,0809,0832,8250, and other experimental circuits;
7, SCM can be used to program a computer or keyboard input;
8, the serial interface or two;
9,8031,80 C196 simulation of a socket;
10, six LED digital display;
11, with a small DC motor, stepper motors, relays, audio, and other driving circuit;
12, equipped with eight logic level input switch, 12 LEDs - level display circuit;
13, equipped with EPROM write device can 2764,2864,27 C128,
27 C256, and other programmable EPROM chips;
14, a small keyboard operation offline function;
15, with a 0 to 30 V continuous adjustable power supply, with overcurrent protection;
16, with a single / continuous pulse signal source;
  MCS51 pilot project
1, P1 mouth experiment 1
2, P1 mouth Experiment 2
3, a simple I / O expansion experiment 1 (traffic signal control experiment)
4, a simple I / O expansion experiment 2 (switching input)
5, external interrupts experiment
6, timer experiment
7,8255 A programmable parallel interface experiment 1
8,8255 A programmable parallel interface experiment 2
9,8255 A programmable parallel interface experiment 3
10, digital display experiment
11,8279 keyboard, display interface Experiment (LED Display experimental)
12,8279 keyboard, display interface Experiment 2 (keyboard experimental)
13,8279 keyboard, display interface experiment 3 (keyboard, display experimental)
14, serial port experiment 1 (Series and conversion experiments)
15, serial port Experiment 2 (communications and data terminals)
16, serial port experimental (and PC communications experiment)
17, D / A conversion experiment 1 (a sawtooth, triangle wave, sine wave)
18, D / A conversion experiments II (small DC motor speed control)
19, A / D converter experiment
20, electronic sound experiment
21, the computer experiment Piano
22, Relay Control Experiment
23, stepper motor control experiment
24, micro-printer experiment
MCS196 pilot project
1, Timer 1 Experiment (regularly interrupted)
2, timers T1 and T2 at the same time have interrupted experiment
3,80 C196, interrupted experiment
4,80 C196 procedures interruption experimental methods
5, HSI Application Experiment (measured pulse cycle)
6, using single-pulse width measurement HSI
7, a single pulse of HSO consecutive pulse
8, software timer
9, stepper motor driven by HSO
10, use of variable duty cycle HSO generation of PWM signal
11, A / D converter experiment
12, PWM Experiment (small DC motor speed control)
13, using a PWM ramp, triangle wave, sine wave
14, with DAC0832 output sawtooth, triangle wave, sine wave
15, serial port mode 0 Experiment (strings and conversion)
16, serial port mode 1 Experiment (communications and data terminals)
17, simple I / O expansion Experiment (traffic signal control)
18, digital display experiment
19,8255 A programmable parallel interface experiment 1
20,8255 A programmable parallel interface experiment 2
21,8279 programmable keyboard display controller experiment 1 (digital display experimental)
22,8279 programmable keyboard display controller Experiment 2 (keyboard, display experimental)
23, electronic sound experiment
24, the computer experiment Piano
25, Relay experiment
26, stepper motor experiment
27, micro-printer experiment
Some programmable controller
1, the basic instructions PLC programming exercises
A, and, or, non-experimental logic function
B, timers, counters functional test
2, motor-controlled system
A motor launch direct control
B, is to reverse motor control
3, Motor Star / Kok launched Operation Control System
4, analog TV transmission tower (Tower of Light)
5, automatic feeding Loading System
A, automatic loading of control
B, automatic feeding loading control
6, and more liquid automatic control system
7, automatic traffic lights system
A traffic light automatic control
B, manually control traffic lights
8, automatic stamping machine system
9, vending machine system
10, Automatic Control Prototyping System
A, the Automatic Machine Control
B, the counting machine with automatic control
11, Elevator Control System (electrical simulation)
12, automatic mail sorting system
A single mail exchange control
B, the automatic control over mail
13, automatic washing machines System
14, electroplating system
15, relay control system
16, towers automatic water supply system
17, Responder
18, LED digital control of the PLC
19, Manipulator
20, controlled rolling machine
21, the five-phase stepper motor
22, the machining center Tool
23, has been edited by Rod map configuration of any of the above dynamic tracking experimental teaching experiment
24, in view of the specific requirements of the pilot project, students self-configuration bar graph editing, teaching experiment
25, teacher-computer (main station) mainframe with 32 PLC (from the stands) for direct communication experiments
Using MCGS IPC configuration software, open software programming environment, any experiment can edit a visual image, animated strong, good teaching results configuration rod map, dynamic tracking and experimental teaching.
Experimental support MCU configuration
To cope with SCM experiments, not in the simulator can draw on the actual computer applications circuit, thereby PC can test experimental procedure or procedures developed by students, TXPR simulation and embedded system development platform can meet this request. TXPR platform can achieve digital circuits, the analog circuits and micro-hybrid system and the peripheral circuit system circuit simulation, software simulation, co-simulation and PCB system design, and all other functions. TXPR platform with a detailed instruction manual and a large number of examples of SCM is a rare professional teachers and students in the development Baodianpian.
As TXPR package realistic, true co-simulation function, many university regarded it as embedded system teaching, experiments and proficiency test platform.
The main technical parameters
1, input supply: AC380V5% (three-phase five lines) 50 HZ;
2, rated current: 2A
3, ambient temperature: -5 ° C -40 ° C
4, relative humidity: ≤ 85% (25 ° C)
5, PLC: FX2N - 48MR
6, appearance size: 1600 X700X1300 (mm)


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Mobile:0086-13586211113 Tel: +86.21.66613898/66613899 Fax: +86.21.66613899
Beijing Branch Address: Beijing daxing District jiukong zone Third Committee East 500 meters Zip code: 100076 Tel :+86.10.88602106
E-mail: kerong@shkr.com

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