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Mechanical principle, reducer, machinery 

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DVD Commentary microcomputer control voice synchronization mechanical principle, reducer, machinery parts Integrated Display Case

The device is based on colleges, vocational schools curricula designed multifunctional integrated showroom is a mechanical "mechanical principle" and "mechanical parts" "reducer" model of a total of more than 500 species into three categories at the electrification teaching equipment. A total of 30 counters, mechanical principles with the use of CD Commentary reducer, remote control, voice parallel demonstration and what are the teaching materials, teaching needs separate operation arbitrary choice demonstration. Imports of organic material produced by plate processing; plate boundary senior pictorial surface to make the necessary charts and text note. Demo realistic, reliable running freely, the production of beauty. This product features: to be convenient, practical new structure is a modern equipment mechanics course showroom
The serial number and name
First cabinets, machinery and agencies
Second counters, the basic planar linkage form
The third counter, planar linkage
Fourth counters, in the form of Cam
Fifth counters, the various types of gear transmission
Sixth counters, the basic form of round
Seventh counters, the basic form of round
8 counters, intermittent movement institutions
Ninth counters, body composition
10 counters, space Linkage
11 counters, a cylindrical gear reducer
Twelfth counters, two cylindrical gear reducer
13 counters, 3 reducer
Fourteenth counters, worm reducer
15 counters, typical reducer
16 counters, the basic thread of connectivity
17th counters, threaded connections
18 counters, bond, Spline and sales Connection
19 counters, riveting, welding, and Nien Interference Fit
20 counters, the main types of belt transmission
21 counters, Belt Drive
22 counters, chain drive
23 counters, and the worm gear drive
24 counters, sliding bearing
25 counters, rolling bearings
26 counters, rolling bearing composite design
27 counters, coupling
28 counters, Clutch
29 counters, and the type of shaft axis parts fixation
30 counters, spring, lubrication and seal
微电脑控制DVD解说 声控同步机械原理、减速器、机械零件综合陈列柜
English Tel: +86.21-56301098     Fax: +86.21-66613899
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