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Teaching CNC lathe (transparent type)

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Teaching CNC lathe 6135-type LCD with computer-controlled CNC lathe (transparent type)
KRN6135 type LCD with computer-controlled CNC lathe (transparent type)
6135 CNC lathe is the transparency of the Company manufacture teaching simulation machine, pleasing in appearance, transmission line unit can be clearly seen with highly reliable, WA-2000S CNC system. The machine used electromechanical integration design, Bed refined engineering plastics with high hardness from using automatic four-position rotary tool carrier, through various programming on the set categories, such as plastic parts shaft done automatically inside and outside cylindrical surface, the conical surface, arc face, such as thread workpiece machining and cutting shafts can be carried out, drilling work.
First, characteristics:
1, the vertical machine, chutes are used to taking high-precision aluminum alloy knife Ball Screw and screw, hybrid stepping motor driver, high positioning accuracy, distance to large.
2, spindle using VVVF imports, stepless speed regulation can be realized.
3, the machine used in the automatic four-tool carrier, application processing complex shape parts.
4, turning plastic products, used air (wind) cooling, do not pollute the environment, to teach
The division, the students more sanitary.
Second, use:
1, higher engineering institutions mechanism, electromechanical integration, automatic control, and other related professionals
NC technology teaching experiments and training.
2, in view of the CNC machine tool industry NC, NC Programming, NC principle, CAD / CA
M, and other professional courses and training in the teaching experiment.
Third, NC system main functions:
1, the control shaft: the spindle axis + inverter control.
2,10 "CRT display, in English and Chinese suggested that full-screen menu.
3, RS232 interface communications, the whole photoelectric isolation, and strong anti-interference.
4, Screw reverse clearance compensation, knife partial compensation.
5, procedures simulated parts processing, graphics track, Tool Path shows.
6, the standard ISO code, G, M, S, F, T keyboard input, before and after processing, background
Editors, 56 K memory, power-fail protection.
7, operation functions: automatic, manual, to move, MDI, back to the reference point, single paragraph, paragraph start of the intergovernmental.
8, and Programming Emulator procedures transmission, and processing.



Three-jaw chuck? 160 mm
The largest diameter on the rotary bed? 350 mm
The length of 500 mm maximum workpiece
Four-Position electric tool carrier
Spindle aperture? 40 mm
Spindle speed, continuously variable 100-1500 rpm
Feed rate of 50-1000 mm / min
The main electrical power 0.75 KW
Machine tool dimensions 1670 × 810 × 1500mm
Machine weight 350 Kg

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Website: www.shkr.com          Email: kerong@shkr.com

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