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Machine electrical skills training assess

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Machine electrical skills training assessment experimental device (third generation)

 This experiment with Taiwan Electrical Fault Line common content for students operation, analyze and solve problems purposes. This test-bed single fault with a (non-integrated fault). Common Faults are not the main motor starter, feed motor can not start, and so. Failure of this test-bed settings are used switching operation. Assembly and are concentrated in a drawer under the experimental station, set up relatively stable Peru, operation is simple and convenient. Fault installed under counters, and only opened the doors can be operated switch fault. In experiments can be set up by the instructor failure by students to testing, testing. In the test-bed on the front panel schematic, connecting switches are equipped with the test, students can these tests, as well as regular contact with the open, normally closed contacts to detect.
Product names
CA6140-general lathe circuit, electrical test-bed
C620-type lathe circuit, electrical test-bed
CM6132-general lathe circuit, electrical test-bed
CW6163B-general lathe circuit, electrical test-bed
C6150-type lathe circuit, electrical test-bed
Z3050-Rocker drilling circuit, electrical test-bed
Z3040-Rocker drilling circuit, electrical test-bed
Z3032-Rocker drilling circuit, electrical test-bed
Z35-Rocker drilling circuit, electrical test-bed
Z525-vertical drilling machine, circuit, electrical test-bed
X62W Universal Milling Machine circuit, electrical test-bed
XZ6132 Universal Milling Machine circuit, electrical test-bed
X25K milling circuit, electrical test-bed
M7120-based Surface Grinder circuit, electrical test-bed
M7475B-Surface Grinder circuit, electrical test-bed
M1432A omnipotent Gega Grinder circuit, circuit test-bed
T68-type horizontal boring circuit, electrical test-bed
T610-type horizontal boring machine circuit, electrical test-bed
Y3150 - hobbing machine circuit, electrical test-bed
B2012 gantry planer circuit, electrical test-bed
Also information can be customized according to the school.
Rocker drilling electrical simulation experiments Taiwan
Through fault settings, the cause of the malfunction discriminant, training students skillfully operate Z3040 Rocker drilling control system electrical circuit theory, the different fault phenomena discriminant possible reasons, from the surface to enable students grasp the actual maintenance of electrical lines manipulative ability.

M7130-planar electrical simulation experiments Taiwan Grinder
Through fault settings, the cause of the malfunction discriminant, training students skillfully operate M7130A Surface Grinder control system electrical circuit theory, the different fault phenomena may have reasons for discrimination, thereby enabling students to the actual maintenance of electrical lines manipulative ability.

X62-based Universal Milling Machine electrical simulation experiments Taiwan
Through fault settings, the cause of the malfunction discriminant, training students skillfully operate X62 Universal Milling Machine Control System The principle of electrical circuits, the fault different phenomenon may have reasons for discrimination, so that students master the actual maintenance of electrical lines manipulative ability.
Fault can be set up with the phenomenon Analysis:
1. Spindle motor launch failures:
By checking all the main power switch position, and the actual on-line has fallen off, and discriminant cause of the malfunction, and the actual line to be tested.
2. Feed motor M2 running Fault
By checking feed position switch contact with the control signal pathway connecting the situation. Discriminant cause of the malfunction.
3. Workstations running Fault
Through the inspection table position switch and control relay line connecting packet, discriminant cause of the malfunction.
4. Spindle rotational fault positive negative
By checking the various spindle position switch, and connecting the corresponding lines, Discriminant cause of the malfunction, and run the actual line to be tested.
5. Workstations running fast into the Fault Line
Check table position switch connection, relay contacts, the Customs button on-off days, the cause of the malfunction discriminant response.
6. Running cooling pump failure
Through the inspection of the cooling pump control relay packet connections, discriminant cause of the malfunction.

T68-type horizontal boring machine electrical simulation experiments Taiwan
Through fault settings, the cause of the malfunction discriminant, training students skillfully operate T68 Hill-boring machine control system electrical circuit theory, the different fault phenomena may have reasons for discrimination, thereby enabling students to the actual maintenance of electrical lines manipulative ability.

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