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KRN Machine electrical training assessmen

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KRN Machine electrical training assessment Identification Device Training
Product Overview
  Electrical Fault Analysis and Machine maintenance is professional students must master electrician one of the main aspects, but also national Ministry of Labor issued a "Electrotechnical grading standards" and "vocational skills certification norms" for junior workers, and workers in the senior technical workers, such as different levels of training and examination requirements. In order to training and the use of targeted, the majority of schools are allowing students to practice on the actual machine tool maintenance, such investments are often large, long time, but also prone to damage to equipment and personal safety incidents. Some schools to electrical circuit simulation machine in the block board, set up by the teachers fault beforehand, or ask participants in the examination staff troubleshooting resume normal work, so have the costs, time-consuming and laborious. Identification and assessment requirements of modern incompatible Therefore, the Company and the joint units successfully developed the "series of training and assessment Electric Machine Identification Device", resolved to schools, skills training and assessment identification of a major problem, the identification of training and assessment to a new level.
Structural and electrical distribution
The assessment identified installations in the actual power distribution equipment as the main counter (consistent with the actual work), the use of the double-sided counter space locations, each machine counters set up four different circuit (see list Circuit), from 2 mm thick steel plate from finished, the overall spraying paint, pleasing in appearance. Counter installation voltage meter, ammeter, rotary switches, control buttons, all kinds of light, the installation of various imported machine circuit. Actual utilization rate high, several sets of counters to achieve a functional machine circuit, not only reasonable use, cost savings, and the sharing of resources. The circuit set up a drawer aesthetic, tidy, standardized, scientific, and electrical devices are used GB components, quality assurance and technical parameters request. Fault Switches artificial control, according to the actual situation in each circuit set up 10 more conventional fault, fault simulation or similar machine is the actual work of fault to a certain extent representation fault switching comparison hidden, simple operation, easy teachers and training for examiners assessment.
The main technical parameters:
1, input supply: AC380V ± 5% (five three-phase line) 50 Hz
2, and its dimensions: 700 × 600 × 1700mm
3, equipment Weight: 150kg
According to the Ministry of Labor and provincial and municipal requirements, the Company arranged several machine electrical circuit, in accordance with the cabinet size, composition every two kinds of circuit layout installation coordination and allocation of the corresponding motor demonstration, identification of evaluation used for training, the following has been with machine circuit, in accordance with the actual situation choose to use, (or According to the actual situation in each school circuit can be arranged separately).
1, A-type (with the following four circuits) ① X35 drilling circuit, fault assessment 12 ② CA6140 lathe circuit, fault assessment 12 ③ X62W milling circuit, fault assessment 15 ④ Lu Allium scorodoprasum electrical circuit, fault assessment eight distribution subsidiary Motor Group motor 4
2, B (with the following four circuits) ① Z3050 drilling circuit, fault assessment 12 ② CW6163B lathe circuit, fault assessment 11 ③ M7120 Grinder circuit, fault assessment 15 ④ T68 boring machine circuit, fault assessment 16 distribution subsidiary Motor Group motor 5
3, C ① 15 / T3 bridge circuit 1 counters lifting travel distribution subsidiary Motor Group motor 5
4, D-① B2010A gantry shaver circuit three counters distribution subsidiary Motor 13 Taiwan Motor Group
KRN Machine electrical training assessment Identification Device Training


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Website: www.shkr.com          Email: kerong@shkr.com


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