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Automatic detection and Chuan complete&nb

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Automatic detection and Chuan complete sets of equipment for technological experiments (sensors)
Detection and conversion technology test-bed Shanghai Branch-years of science, education, production equipment Limited experimental device sensor technology based teaching, to adapt different types and at different levels of professional needs, the latest version of the new modular products.
   Detection and conversion technology test-bed (box) mainly for large, colleges have opened "automatic detection technology", "Principles and sensor technology", "non-electric power measurement technology", "Industrial Automation Instrumentation and Control" "machinery of power," the experimental curriculum needs.

Product characteristics:
1, conversion circuit board using modular structure, according to choose different modules and also help increase under the new syllabus changes experimental module.
2, sensors and positive transformation of printed circuit module circuit schematics. This intuitive help students increase perceptual knowledge to enhance experimental results.
3, a category corresponding sensor module, wiring experimental convenience, power supply with automatic protection.
4, sensors used import transparent plexiglass production, teaching performance, and relatively intuitive.
Product main structure:
Detection and conversion technology test-bed by the console, sensors, laboratory module, displacement Bench, data acquisition cards and processing software, test-bed tables six components.
High stability of ± 5V, ± 15V DC Power Supply: Group temperature power. Console is an air switch panels, voltage, frequency transfer v. show table; thermometers, temperature control for computer power. Low frequency of 1 Hz signal system-30Hz (adjustable); differential amplifier, Barometer, storage bins; RS232 computer serial interface.
    Experiment Module:


Experiment tables:
Experiment tables specifications 1500 * 700 * 780 (mm), the characteristics of the two experimental tables counters can be placed experiment templates and mainframe computer and keyboard, the middle drawer placed sensors.
Sensor experimental projects:
Experiment one: the half-bridge resistor sensor performance test
Experiment 2: resistive sensor performance experimental full-bridge
Experiment 3: half-bridge, full-bridge Performance Test
Experiment 4: resistor sensor shock experiment
Test 5: resistive sensor electronic scale experiment
Test 6: variable capacitance sensor area of experiment
Experimental 7: differential capacitance sensor characteristics experiment
Experimental 8: capacitance sensor shock experiment
Experimental 9: capacitance sensor electronic scale experiment
Experiment 10: Experimental differential transformer characteristics
Experiment 11: self-inductance characteristics of the experimental differential transformer
Experiment 12: Experimental differential transformer shock
Experiment 13: differential transformer electronic scale experiment
Experiment 14: photoelectric sensor measuring the speed test
Experiment 15: photoelectric sensor measuring the direction of the rotation experiment
Experiment 16: close-Hall sensor experiment
Experiment 17: Hall sensor measuring the speed test
Experiment 18: The displacement of eddy current sensor experiment
Experiment 19: Material tested in the eddy current sensor characteristics of experiment

Experiment 20: Eddy current sensors shock experiment
Experiment 21: Eddy current sensors experimental electronic industrial scales
Experiment 22: Eddy current sensors measuring the speed test
Experiment 23: temperature sensors and temperature control experiment (AD590)

Experiment 24: K-type thermocouple temperature control experiment
Experiment 25: E-type heat galvanic temperature control experiment
Experiment 26: Platinum Resistance Temperature Control Experiment
Experiment 27: copper resistance temperature control experiment
Experiment 28: magnetic sensor, the characteristics of experiments
Experiment 29: speed magnetic-electric sensor measurement experiment
Experiment 30: magnetic sensor, the application of experimental
Experiment 31: piezoelectric acceleration sensor characteristics experiment
Experiment 32: fiber optic sensor characteristics of the displacement experiments
Experiment 33: fiber optic sensor vibration experiments
Experiment 34: the speed fiber optic sensor measurement experiment
Experiment 35: piezoresistive pressure sensor characteristics to experiment
Experiment 36: piezoresistive sensor differential pressure measurement
Experiment 37: ultrasonic sensor characteristics of the displacement experiments
Experiment 38: Application of experimental ultrasonic sensor
Experiment 39: The principle experiment Gas Sensor
Experiment 40: humidity sensor principle experiment


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Website: www.shkr.com          Email: kerong@shkr.com

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