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Senior automatic LCD computer simulation&

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Senior automatic LCD computer simulation person CPR
Trade names: LCD High CPR automatic computer simulation (M)
Commodity Number: 000003 merchandise Model: KAR/CPR400
Unit: Taiwan price (yuan):  origin: Shanghai

     The sixth generation KAR/CPR400 senior CPR automatic computer simulation, which is recommended by the national authority under the guidance of experts, set similar foreign products company strengths and the joint efforts of scientists and technicians developed the fourth generation of new products, both at home and abroad is the most functional Jin, modeling a more perfect, more convenient use of the recipients first products. State and has applied for utility model patents. Its features are: simulated airway open standards, chest compression, respirators, and other key functions. And operating procedures are: beginner training, single examination for individuals and evaluation. Moreover, in the course of operation, every time a chest compression, in the heart displayed on an LCD screen, the operation successfully, the computer monitor displayed on the LCD screen normal Holter. There were simulated human carotid artery pulsatility automatic, automatic resume beating heart the voice of the pupil automatically reduced by the San resume normal, reports, print, and other functions.
The implementation of standards: the American Heart Association (AHA) 2005 International cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) & emergency cardiovascular care (ECE) standards Guide
Simulation airway open standards, suggested that language;
Artificial light hands-on chest compression, digital counting, language Tip:
   1. Pressing position is correct, the wrong light display; digital count display; suggested that the wrong language.
   2. Compression strength correct (4-5 cm region), errors (<4-5 cm <region) from the strip show (yellow, green, red) light mobile digital dynamic feedback showed CPR compression depth; correct, the digital counting mistakes and the wrong show Language suggested that.
Artificial mouth-to-breathing (inflatable) indicator shows that the digital display counting, language Tip:
   1. Insufflation of tidal volume ≤ 500 ml ~ 600ml ≤ display from the strip (yellow, green, red) light mobile digital dynamic feedback showed inflatable measure; right, wrong and wrong digital count showed that the language suggested that.
   2. Insufflation excessive or large tidal volume, causing gas to enter the stomach light display; digital count display; wrong language suggested that.
Pressing and respirators ratio: 30:2 (single or double)
Operation period: 2nd effective artificial inflatable, then massage and artificial inflatable 30:2 three cycles CPR operation.
Operating frequencies: the latest international standards: 100 times / min.
Operational modes: training operation; appraisal operations (single or double).
Operating hours: seconds for the unit time.
Language settings: language suggested that can be set and suggested that the volume adjustment; or closure language suggested that setting.
Results Print: Operating results of the report card Thermal Print long and short of the report card.
Pupil inspection reaction: assessment and examination procedures before the operation after the completion of simulated operation from San pupil, narrowing the automatic process of dynamic change of the true embodiment.
Check carotid reaction: hand-to-examination, operation simulation in the process of compression carotid artery pulsatility automatic reaction, and examination procedures completed operate automatically and persistent artery pulsatility reflect the true reaction.
Power states:
     KAR/CPR400 type used 220 V power supply, the regulator regulator output power 24V.
Material characteristics:
     Facial skin, neck skin, chest skin, hair, imports of thermoplastic elastomer using mixed plastic materials from stainless steel touch with, the high-temperature injection molding machine from pressure with accurate anatomical markers, feel real, color uniform, shape realistic, pleasing in appearance, durability, disinfection does not wash deformation and removable to facilitate replacement of the characteristics of its foreign materials reach the same level.
Standard sets of configuration:
High recovery model of a human body;
Senior computer monitor, one Taiwan;
Luxury - NRK pushed hard plastic boxes of a human body;
A recovery operation pad;
Barriers Mask (50 / box) a box;
May 5-for-lung bags;
Two thermal printing paper;
An instruction manual.

Trade names: LCD High automatic computer simulation cardiopulmonary resuscitation (female)
Commodity Number: 000004 merchandise Model: KAR/CPR400
Unit: Taiwan price (yuan):  origin: Shanghai
     The sixth generation KAR/CPR400 senior CPR automatic computer simulation, which is recommended by the national authority under the guidance of experts, set similar foreign products company strengths and the joint efforts of scientists and technicians developed the fourth generation of new products, both at home and abroad is the most functional Jin, modeling a more perfect, more convenient use of the recipients first products. State and has applied for utility model patents. Its features are: simulated airway open standards, chest compression, respirators, and other key functions. And operating procedures are: beginner training, single examination for individuals and evaluation. Moreover, in the course of operation, every time a chest compression, in the heart displayed on an LCD screen, the operation successfully, the computer monitor displayed on the LCD screen normal Holter. There were simulated human carotid artery pulsatility automatic, automatic resume beating heart the voice of the pupil automatically reduced by the San resume normal, reports, print, and other functions.
The implementation of standards: the American Heart Association (AHA) 2005 International cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) & emergency cardiovascular care (ECE) standards Guide
Simulation airway open standards, suggested that language;
Artificial light hands-on chest compression, digital counting, language Tip:
   1. Pressing position is correct, the wrong light display; digital count display; suggested that the wrong language.
   2. Compression strength correct (4-5 cm region), errors (<4-5 cm <region) from the strip show (yellow, green, red) light mobile digital dynamic feedback showed CPR compression depth; correct, the digital counting mistakes and the wrong show Language suggested that.
Artificial mouth-to-breathing (inflatable) indicator shows that the digital display counting, language Tip:
   1. Insufflation of tidal volume ≤ 500 ml ~ 600ml ≤ display from the strip (yellow, green, red) light mobile digital dynamic feedback showed inflatable measure; right, wrong and wrong digital count showed that the language suggested that.
   2. Insufflation excessive or large tidal volume, causing gas to enter the stomach light display; digital count display; wrong language suggested that.
Pressing and respirators ratio: 30:2 (single or double)
Operation period: 2nd effective artificial inflatable, then massage and artificial inflatable 30:2 three cycles CPR operation.
Operating frequencies: the latest international standards: 100 times / min.
Operational modes: training operation; appraisal operations (single or double).
Operating hours: seconds for the unit time.
Language settings: language suggested that can be set and suggested that the volume adjustment; or closure language suggested that setting.
Results Print: Operating results of the report card Thermal Print long and short of the report card.
Pupil inspection reaction: assessment and examination procedures before the operation after the completion of simulated operation from San pupil, narrowing the automatic process of dynamic change of the true embodiment.
Check carotid reaction: hand-to-examination, operation simulation in the process of compression carotid artery pulsatility automatic reaction, and examination procedures completed operate automatically and persistent artery pulsatility reflect the true reaction.
Power states:
     KAR/CPR400 type used 220 V power supply, the regulator regulator output power 24V.
Material characteristics:
     Facial skin, neck skin, chest skin, hair, imports of thermoplastic elastomer using mixed plastic materials from stainless steel touch with, the high-temperature injection molding machine from pressure with accurate anatomical markers, feel real, color uniform, shape realistic, pleasing in appearance, durability, disinfection does not wash deformation and removable to facilitate replacement of the characteristics of its foreign materials reach the same level.
Standard sets of configuration:
High recovery model of a human body;
Senior computer monitor, one Taiwan;
Luxury - NRK pushed hard plastic boxes of a human body;
A recovery operation pad;
Barriers Mask (50 / box) a box;
May 5-for-lung bags;
Two thermal printing paper;
An instruction manual.
English Tel: +86.21-56301098     Fax: +86.21-66613899
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