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Car teaching model; transparent may 

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Car teaching model; transparent may take automotive vehicle model
Transparent auto entire model is in line with tertiary institutions, the military academy, the armed forces, transport, public security vehicle driving training, teaching aids vehicle repair, and other professional use, professional courses through the teaching and demonstration of this model, the car can be a clear understanding of the inner parts the structure and role so that students quickly master professional knowledge.
   Selection of the goods imported ⑴ transparent plexiglass production, the components are in hard plastic material processing, and fixed with a screwdriver in the high-temperature metal spray paint from the vehicle chassis. The assembly part of the forming die first dies processing, instead of the past method of Stickies, on the strength of the product in a greatly improved. Transparency, not deformation, turbidity, color of advanced light weight, removable convenience.
   ⑵ demonstration of the stuck 220 V power supply, will start switch to turn so that the engine starting with the real vehicle traveling the same. Powertrain used motor drive, throttle speed control devices are also provided, can demo engine speed level. Clutch separation obviously, flexible manipulation, the overall dies from shell clutch, transmission gear and stalls in various colors that shift flexible, apply the brake manually aesthetic. After shape dies from bridge, the slowdown in the main, differential rotation smooth, wheel brake shoes molded shape, adjustable brake shoes, drums adjustable front axle wheel, steering devices and batteries, fuel tanks, water tanks, brake distribution pipeline clearly clear. Before and after using the plug-in circuit distribution, light airs and wind shutters, the dashboard, with rack after lights transparent plexiglass dies imports into the overall aesthetic realism.
No.             Name                                               Remarks  
A01 Dongfeng EQ1090 vehicle transparent model (Dongfeng 140)  by the Physical 0.6 percentage manufacture, of Auto Circuit
A02 liberation CA1091 vehicle transparent model (the liberation of 141)  of the kind 0.6 percentage manufacture, of Auto Circuit
A03 liberation CA141KZ-transparent model on the entire physical 0.6 percentage manufacture, of Auto Circuit (diesel)
A04 Dongfeng JZ141-transparent model on the entire physical 0.6 percentage manufacture, of Auto Circuit (diesel)
A05 liberation CA6110-transparent model on the entire physical 0.6 percentage manufacture, of Auto Circuit (diesel)
A06 Shanghai Volkswagen Santana 2000 the entire transparent model created by physical 0.8 ratio, of Auto Circuit
A07 Santana model car driven by the combination of physical 0.8 percentage manufacture, of Auto Circuit
A08 Shanghai Volkswagen Passat model vehicle transparent by creating physical 1:1 ratio, of Auto Circuit
A09 Steyr off-road traction chariot transparent model created by physical 0.6 ratio, of Auto Circuit
A10 Dongfeng EQ2102 SUV transparent model cars by physical 0.6 percentage manufacture, of Auto Circuit
A11 Nanjing Iveco entire transparent vehicle model manufactured by physical 0.6 ratio, of Auto Circuit
A12 cheetah CJY2470 entire transparent vehicle model manufactured by physical 0.6 ratio, of Auto Circuit
A13 Beijing BJ2020-transparent model of the entire vehicle on the Physical 0.6 percentage manufacture, of Auto Circuit
A14 Yan'an SX2190G-transparent model on the entire physical 0.6 percentage manufacture, of Auto Circuit
A15 Dongfeng Cummins transparent model of the entire vehicle on the Physical 0.6 percentage manufacture, of Auto Circuit
A16 FAW-Volkswagen Audi A6 model created by physical 1:1 ratio, of Auto Circuit
A17 Dongfeng Citroen sedan model by teaching physical 1:1 ratio of manufacturing, of Auto Circuit
A18 Guangzhou Honda cars transparent model created by physical 1:1 ratio, of Auto Circuit
A19 Buick JUNWEI Granville transparent model created by physical 1:1 ratio, of Auto Circuit
A20 Dongfanghong-75-type tractor models manufactured by physical 0.8 ratio, of Auto Circuit
A21 small four-wheel tractor model created by physical 1:1 ratio, of Auto Circuit

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上一个:上一篇:Santana electrical circuit simulation tra

下一个: 下一篇:Automotive Driving Simulator

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