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Refrigeration Heating Air Conditioning la

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Automatic Frequency thermal air-conditioning cooling system integrated laboratory equipment (computer presentation) with appraisal system

The equipment used variable frequency technology, the first single-phase AC power into DC rectifier bridge rectifier, and the three-phase inverter bridge to DC "inverter" arbitrary frequency-adjustable three-phase alternating current, automatic control of compressor speed, achieve the purpose of energy saving. Another new increase other types of air conditioners, refrigerators systems and more than 10 aircraft of the circuit, is conducive to the students to better grasp refrigeration heating technology. For the three-dimensional structure of the air-conditioning, front unit for indoor simulation, the rear is true outdoor unit, for real improvement of indoor air-conditioning unit components, jackets really transparent shell-wide air conditioning. Refrigerators also was improved, from around Georgia: refrigerated room for the front, behind the refrigerator compressor, studios, install temperature regulator. In order to overcome the refrigerators, air-conditioning temperature display, seventh-generation products has also increased the teachers fault presentation software, roving digital temperature display system testing, can be directly observed cooling and heating systems in the temperature of the key points.
Notable Features
1, lines absolute simulation. (Inverter on the market and the overall structure of air conditioning, performance is exactly the same as)
2, multi-point temperature acquisition, roving detection, digital display.
3, air conditioner - DC inverter using sophisticated technology to save energy, of teaching.
4, the overall design reasonable, compact, more open vision to the laboratory.
5, software and hardware integration, increase pilot project.
6, software-only virtual reality refrigeration, heating the entire process.
Skills Evaluation System Features
1, the computer can control 1-126 appliances intelligent assessment Taiwan
2, has set up more than 20 point of failure.
3, a function of volume
4, a function at volumes
5, a single, and the entire experiment, reset function Taiwan
6, with the automatic detection of communication appliances online assessment Taiwan situation
7, students can generate personal report card
8, student assessment can be conducted on statistical analysis of the
9, has entered the system password, the system can be modified to enter password
10, a printing function
11, a number of restrictions to answer function
Automatic Temperature Detection System
Automatic acquisition, roving detection, digital display)
1, the normal environmental temperature;
2, the compressor exhaust pipe;
3, compressor suction;
4, condenser exhaust port;
5, evaporator outlets;
6, compressor;
7, condenser;
8, evaporator.
The main technical parameters
Work Power: AC220V ± 5% (single-phase)
Rated frequencies: 50 Hz
Applied voltage range: 160 V-253V
Most remote control distance / angle range: 8 m/80o
Noise: within 37-44 dB, 55 dB
Ambient temperature: -5 ° C -40 ° C
Relative Humidity: ≤ 85% (25 ° C)
Unit Power:: <1 KW
Form factor: 1600 mmX800mmX1170mm
Compressor power: air conditioning: 1 ph refrigerator: 1 / 10 ph
Refrigerants types: air conditioning: R22 refrigerator: R12
Air-conditioning work methods: DC inverter
Air-conditioning system processes refrigerator internship project
1, ordinary single-door refrigerators system flow
2, two-door direct cool refrigerator refrigeration system processes
3, two-door inter-cool refrigerator refrigeration system processes
4, single-door refrigerators straight cold-flow electric control system
5, two-door inter-cool refrigerator Process Control System
6, thermistor temperature control system for process
7, GR204EIC Temperature Control System Process
8, split-type heat pump type air conditioner system flow
9, split-type air-conditioner, heat pump type flow control system
10, window-type air conditioner system flow pump
11, air-cooled tank Process Control System Air Conditioner
12, refrigerators Dynamic Demonstration System
13, split-type air-conditioner heat pump type Dynamic Demonstration System
14, refrigerators simulation Demonstration System (hardware)
15, inverter air conditioning simulation demo system (hardware)
New air-conditioning circuit sub-pilot projects Common Faults
First, do not work or work unit is not normal, fault can be demonstrated through the following
1, the microprocessor damage, fault code Q, should be replaced
2, crystal bad, fault code I
3, the CPU work +5 V power loss, fault code G
4, rectifier diodes damaged, not work, fault code F
5, three-terminal regulators 7812 bad, not work, fault code V
6, CPU reset bad, air conditioning did not work, fault code H
Second, indoor air, while the host does not work, through the following means troubleshooting.
1, such as the compressor can not work normally under normal circumstances: capacitance overload protection device circuit, overload protection device capacitance can be replaced
2, such as control orders error, fault code K
3, 12 V power loss, fault code V
Third, the normal work unit, remote control failure, can be demonstrated through the following methods
1, such as remote controls damage, fault code U
2, receiving the first bad, fault code P
3, the CPU bad, fault code P
4. Unit, remote control, healthy, and not faint buzzing sound, the following methods can be demonstrated
1, buzzer bad, fault code W
2,2003 integration damage, fault code X
V. unit, throttle non-action, fault code Y
6. Attention
1, the above fault demonstration by-case basis, demonstrated End should switch reset, the fault indicator light extinguished. Failure to carry out a demonstration.
2, normal, and all demonstrated switch forward (upward)
3, mainframe access, and shut down, time interval to five minutes or so, for a continuous activated easily damaged compressor.
4, the microprocessor installed delay protection three minutes.
5, cooling thermal conversion system downtime required in the state of 3 minutes more.
Air conditioners installed fault method
Fault name fault set up methods
Fluoride closing valve leakage from the inflatable mouth I put fluoride
Capillary closing valve plug Commissioner II, the Commissioner that is the whole entire block, that is a half-block Guan
Too much fluoride I inflatable valve from closing the mouth fluoride to 1.25 times the current
Commissioner compressor suction mouth closed valve plug-wide customs that is all I block, a half-block that is the Commissioner
Condenser dirty glass sealed with a plug into the wind surface condenser
Evaporator dirty glass sealed with a plug evaporator surface into the wind
Fault code compressor overload protection BK
Compressors start capacitor fault code BM
Not heating fault code BL
Outdoor fans not to fault code BO
Indoor fan not to fault code BN
Poor temperature control fault code BS
The first remote control receiver damage fault code BP
Rectifier fault circuit fault code BF
Cooling system failure at the temperature sensor coil removed
Throttle does not fault code BY action
Temperature probe damaged fault code BR
+5 V power supply fault fault code BG
+12 V power supply fault fault code BV
Remote control damage fault code BU
Refrigerator fault set up methods
Fault name fault set up methods
Fluoride closing valve leakage from the inflatable mouth I put fluoride
Capillary closing valve plug Commissioner II, the Commissioner that is the whole entire block, that is a half-block Guan
Too much fluoride I inflatable valve from closing the mouth fluoride to 1.25 times the current
Compressor plug the suction mouth with a bad substitute for good Overload Protection
Compressors start capacitor fault does not match or bad capacitor good replaced
Keep failure code C
Keep failure code D
Bright lights do not fault code E
English Tel: +86.21-56301098     Fax: +86.21-66613899
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Website: www.shkr.com          Email: kerong@shkr.com

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